Core Devs Presentation: ECBP-1100 Modified Exponential Subjective Scoring Presentation and Q&A

ETC Core Devs Presentation - ECBP-1100 Modified Exponential Subjective Scoring Presentation and Q&A
- When: Wednesday, September 23, 2020. 14:00 UTC; 30 minute presentation followed by Q&A
- Where:
Please follow the meeting discussion here as they finalize the variables in real-time:
ECBP-1100 Modified Exponential Subjective Scoring Presentation
ETC Labs Core, in consultancy with OpenRelay and ChainSafe, develop and propose a finality algorithm called MESS for Ethereum Classic that, if adopted by the honest majority, would raise chain state finality near-exponentially with negligible risk of network bifurcation.
- Overview "Artificial Finality" and non-invasive 51-percent-protection
- Quick explanation of the "MESS" protocol (ECIP-1100)
- LIVE Demo on the MESS testnet using Geth
- Community Q&A session
A low hashrate has caused Ethereum Classic's consensus algorithms to yield inconvenient and undesirable finality rates. ECIP-1100 "MESS" offers a way to increase the finality rate without tampering with existing "hard" chain consensus functions or characteristics, and to do so with minimal negative side effects.
Questions must be submitted to this issue comment thread or directly at ETC Discord.
- Proposal: ECIP 1100: MESS (Modified Exponential Subjective Scoring)
- Read more: Agreeing To Disagree: Proposing a Weakly-Subjective Finality Solution for Ethereum Classic
- Discussion: 374
- Bonus: MESSnet TV - Visualization of an ad-hoc Classic testnet implementing MESS.
Recording of the Core Devs Presentation