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왜 클래식인가?
Ethereum Classic의 존재 이유와 고유한 가치 제안에 대한 정보를 얻으려면 여기에서 시작하십시오.
ETC를 뒷받침하는 토대에 대한 추가 읽기
ETC 개념 및 사건에 대한 정보를 제공하는 비디오 및 팟캐스트 모음
이 웹사이트의 번역을 도와 ETC를 지원하세요!

ETC Proof of Work Course

Donald McIntyre

As we explained in the “Ethereum Classic Course” introduction, Ethereum Classic (ETC) is one of the most valuable blockchains in the world because it is the largest proof of work smart contracts blockchain and the most secure system to host and operate decentralized applications (dapps).

At the core of its value proposition is the technology of Proof of Work (POW). POW provides true decentralization, sound money, and the most trust minimized dapps.


In this course, that we named the “ETC Proof of Work Course”, we will explain why POW is so revolutionary and how ETC benefits from it.

This course is divided in 8 sections that we list below. Each of sections 2 through 8 start with a post that describes the advantages of POW to ETC.

You can watch the full series in the following youtube playlist.

Part 1: Describing POW

Part 2: Benefits of POW

Part 3: Positioning of POW

Part 4: Security of POW

Part 5: POS Fallacies and POW Ungovernance

Part 6: POW Philosophy

Part 7: Explaining the Value of POW

Part 8: Debunking the POW Naysayers

As seen above, the 8 sections of the ETC Proof of Work Course promise to cover all important aspects of the technology and, when you put all the parts together, how it represents a powerful change in paradigm in computer science and for the world.

Following this introduction, we will publish 37 text articles and their corresponding videos developing all the topics laid out here.

We hope you find this course as valuable as the Ethereum Classic Course!

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